Human IL-12p70 enzyme-linked immunoassay kit

CAT: EH0021 Datasheet
Specification 96 Test
Sensitivity 3.42 pg/ml (50 μl);11.63 pg/ml (10 μl)
Standard Curve Range 13.72~10000 pg/ml
Standard Curve Gradient 7 Points/3 Folds
Number of Incubations 2
Sample Volume 50 μl/10 μl
Type Fully Ready-to-Use
Operation Duration 120min
pg/ml O.D. Average Corrected
0.00 0.0432 0.0423 0.0428
13.72 0.0532 0.0527 0.0530 0.0102
41.15 0.0731 0.0668 0.0700 0.0272
123.46 0.1270 0.1211 0.1241 0.0813
370.37 0.2712 0.2695 0.2704 0.2276
1111.11 0.6762 0.6148 0.6455 0.6027
3333.33 1.6095 1.5049 1.5572 1.5144
10000.00 3.2771 3.3112 3.2942 3.2514


Intra-assay Precision Inter-assay Precision
Sample Number S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3
22 22 22 6 6 6
Average(pg/ml) 189.2 970.0 2776.2 207.2 1027.9 3062.6
Standard Deviation 9.1 63.3 179.1 11.4 51.3 150.6
Coefficient of Variation(%) 4.8 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.0 4.9

Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay) Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess intra-assay precision.

Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays) Three samples of known concentration were tested six times on one plate to assess intra-assay precision.

Spike Recovery

The spike recovery was evaluated by spiking 3 levels of human IL-12 p70 into health human serum sample. The un-spiked serum was used as blank in this experiment.
The recovery ranged from 78% to 119% with an overall mean recovery of 98%.

Sample Values

Sample Matrix Sample Evaluated Range (pg/ml) Detectable (%) Mean of Detectable (pg/ml)
Serum 30 14.8-62.4 17 36.5

Serum/Plasma – Thirty samples from apparently healthy volunteers were evaluated for the presence of IL-12 p70 in this assay. No medical histories were available for the donors.

Background: IL-12p70

Interleukin 12 (IL-12), also known as natural killer cell stimulatory factor (NKSF) or cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor (CLMF), is a heterodimeric pleiotropic cytokine made up of a 40 kDa (p40) subunit and a 35 kDa (p35) subunit. The IL-12 p40 subunit is shared by IL-23, another heterodimeric cytokine that has biological activities similar to, as well as distinct from, IL-12. IL-12 is produced by macrophages and B cells and has been shown to have multiple effects on T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. While mouse IL-12 is active on both human and mouse cells, human IL-12 is not active on mouse cells.

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